Wednesday 21 April 2010

Introduction and manual is sufficient

Hmm tomorrow is the deadline for the report and well, it needs not to be a big report as we have been working too much in the lab. So this should be short, simple manual of the product and introduction. We plannned to put pictures together with steps to make the concentrator. We may add some applications where it can be used but this is in the backlog. If team members have any other suggestions, they are welcome to share here.

1 comment:

  1. Majid and Me took some pictures today with my camera and the photos might not be the best quality and other thing is that since the solar concentrator is no ready yet I couldn´t photo every detail yet. I´ll take my Nikon D5000 with my from now one (and improve my self as a photographer :) But now that we will make the first version of the manual, then afterwards we can discuss if some photo is not suitable and I will take new ones. OK?
