Wednesday 5 May 2010

Oh the relief!

The course is finally over then. It feels like it's been forever since we started working on the project. It's been on my mind since January, and especially during the last few weeks we've been working really long hours at the Design Factory trying to get everything done before the deadlines. So, needless to say that it was quite a relief to have returned the manual on Thursday and finally to have given the presentation on Monday (and what made it even more relieving was the fact that we had a good last minute panic going on on both days...why ruin the fun by doing things in advance, right?).

Everything hasn't gone quite as planned during the project, so all and all I'm really pleased with what we managed to put together, even though there are still some things yet to be figured out. However, I am quite confident that we will be able to solve the last little details and get Solar Flower and a working application on display in Maailma Kylässä festival. Come and see it yourself!

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